Dear DR.,
It is my pleasure to inform that we’re approaching the launch of the new ERA-EDTA enterprise for young nephrologists.
On March 12th 2012 ERA-EDTA Council brought to life the Young Nephrologists Platform (YNP). The new initiative invites young nephrologists to different committees of the ERA-EDTA activities such as the Working Groups, Scientific Advisory Board, CME Courses, Congress Scientific Committees and others.
The YNP Board will also be involved in the preparations of the ERA-EDTA Congress programmes.
In October this year the members of YNP will have the opportunity to elect the chairman and 6 members of the board.
This will be the final step in launching the ERA-EDTA Young Nephrologists Platform.
To become a member of YNP the candidate have to submit the application form, which can be found under the following address:
All candidates for YNP Ordinary Membership must be ERA-EDTA members under 40 years old and have presented at least one scientific paper (as an oral or poster presentation) at an international conference within the previous 3 years.
Candidates for the YNP Board must instead be under 37 years of age and must be the first author of at least 3 abstracts accepted at the international congresses, in the last 3 years.
Thank you very much for your kind attention and I look forward to our future collaboration.
Sincerely yours
Andrzej Wiecek
ERA-EDTA Secretary-Treasurer