The ERA-EDTA is happy to announce a very interesting initiative and unique opportunity to have high quality papers on original research focusing on any aspect of kidney disease published in a special themed issue of The Lancet.Priority will be given to randomised trials that advance the evidence base relevant to treatment of disease, but any studies that have the potential to change clinical practice are also welcome. Authors of accepted publications will be invited to present their research at the Lancet-ERA-EDTA joint symposium during the 51st ERA-EDTA congress that will be held in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) on May 31–June 3, 2014.
Articles should be submitted online at:
Reports of Late-Breaking clinical trials will be considered for fast-track review and the deadline for these fast-track submissions is February 21, 2014 .
The deadline for all other articles is November 20, 2013.
If you also wish to submit your research to ERA-EDTA as an abstract for the annual meeting in Amsterdam, please inform the conference organisers of your simultaneous submission to The Lancet so that publication can be scheduled appropriately. This will be possible during the online abstract submission.